Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I enjoyed reading the article Classroom Audio Podcasting. When reading this, I also found bobsprankle.com I would encourage you guys to take a look at this. It is great. I would love to do something like this in my class and I think the students would like it as well. It was really neat.
I think it would give the students a sense of accomplishment to know that their work was "published" on the internet!!!
Oct. 16


Shelly said...

Just be sure that when you are showing these podcasts and all in your class that they meet school district and even more so the parents' policies. In addition, if you are going to film your students and make the podcast available for anyone other than your class to see, make sure that you have parents' permission in writing for their child to be seen on the internet--even if it is just a still photo.

Mr. Jay said...

I still think that audio podcasting is the way to go - from what I can tell of our district's policies - as long as they don't use their names - all you need is a permission slip and you're good to go