Sunday, September 23, 2007


I am so clueless with this stuff! I hope you guys in class can keep me drowning in this web stuff!!!
g freeland


S. Mueller said...

Your blog looks good. We are all in this together. The learning curve, right?

Shelly said...

You are doing fine! You got your blog page made, you got posts and comments on it--so you are well above the water line. Either that or your life boat is riding the waves fine and you're high and dry.

Vicky said...

This looks great to me. Blogging is new to me, too, but we're all learning as we go. I'm excited about finally exploring blogs and discovering their potential in an educational setting.

Cathy Gilreath said...

Even though I am facilitating this online course, I am a newcomer myself with blogging- Looks good!
The other participants seem to be very good with sharing tips and comments- You will be fine!

Mr. Jay said...

relax - it's there and it looks good! post something new!